Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A transparent wall Could Be the Future

Wednesday, 3 July 2013 - by Unknown 0

 Be aware  You are Being Watched In Future

Scientists are developing a new technology that could give us 'X-ray' vision with the ability to track moving humans hiding in closed rooms or behind walls.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory are using low-cost wi-fi technology to develop the system that spots movement of people in rooms or behind walls.

Researchers have long attempted to build a device capable of seeing people through walls. However, previous efforts to develop such a system have involved the use of expensive and bulky radar technology that uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum only available to the military.

The new system, called "Wi-Vi", is based on a concept similar to radar and sonar imaging. But in contrast to radar and sonar, it transmits a low-power wi-fi signal and uses its reflections to track moving humans. It can do so even if the humans are in closed rooms or hiding behind a wall.

As a wi-fi signal is transmitted at a wall, a portion of the signal penetrates through it, reflecting off any humans on the other side.

However, only a tiny fraction of the signal makes it through to the other room, with the rest being reflected by the wall, or by other objects.

"So we had to come up with a technology that could cancel out all these other reflections, and keep only those from the moving human body," Katabi said.

To do this, the system uses two transmit antennas and a single receiver. The two antennas trans
mit almost identical signals, except that the signal from the second receiver is the inverse of the first.

About the Author

Article written by venkatesh pillai who is blogger,thinker,and loves tech .


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