For a while now, speculations have been circulating about launching the much-awaited Blackberry Messenger (BBM) apps for Android and for iOS. Many rumors have pointed out that a version will hit the respective App Stores by the end of September. This date range could be accurate, as the application was submitted in iTunes Store a few weeks back
We’ve also reported that Blackberry scheduled an event on September 18th in Malaysia, where the applications may be announced. Also, at first it was thought that the event was taking place in Malaysia only, but Blackberry has since distributed additional invites for events on the same day in India and France as well.
Blackberry Messenger is a messaging application that is exclusively available on Blackberry devices, though versions for other platforms were announced earlier this year, without an official ETA. Blackberry for Android is already available for beta testers in Blackberry Beta Zone, and we’ve seen a Blackberry executive who shared some insights about the expected launch of BBM at a launch event in India – the end of September.
Will we see BBM for other operating systems on September 18th? Or is it the rumored Blackberry Z30? We’ll find out soon.